The reason we do this

The reason we do this
A walk with the Coys

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

A pathway to fix Ohio's Schools.

A pathway to fix Ohio's education system: A note to teachers, administrators, community members and parents.

The divisiveness in our nation can be dizzying.  It seems that, even in casual conversation, extreme opinions stop the natural progression of problem solving and improving the status quo.  One of the domestic problems, that weighs heavy on my heart, is our education system in Ohio.  If you are in the education field, or have a family member “in the trenches”, you are painfully aware of the broken assessment/evaluation system, the distressing air tests and the burdensome resident educator program.  If you are a parent or a community member, you are intensely aware of the shroud of confusion associated with common core standards and mandates (or ESSA).  These are problems that I hear our community member’s express extensive frustration over, but it seems that frustration often turns into empathy and exhaustion when faced with the size and scope of the problem.

I believe every problem has a solution, even this one.  What if there is a plan that is bi-partisan and restores local control to our own local board of education?  I know it sounds too good to be true, but I deeply believe that Representative Andy Thompson (Ohio’s 95th district) has penned a bill that will rectify many of the issues that are inhibiting what is best for Ohio’s kids.  Ohio  HB 176, Address school assessments and curricula and teacher evaluations”, accomplishes many of the solutions I have heard teachers offer in morning meeting after morning meeting. In a two-word nutshell, it is “local control”.  HB 176 removes many of the unnecessary standardized tests, with the premise that the local districts are to determine mastery and competency.  It establishes recommended, not mandated, standards; it removes assessments from the evaluation process for teachers and administrators and it effectively ends the resident educator program.  This bill also promotes equitable reporting for charter schools and public schools and makes great strides to protect student’s data (a hot commodity that should have NEVER been a commodity in the first place).

What happens next? I encourage everyone to read over the analysis of the bill.  It digests the bill into relatively concise main ideas, and really helps familiarize yourself with what the bill contains.  Then, truthfully, the single best thing you can do is to call your local State Representative and express your support for the bill.  It does not matter how you identify politically, these measures will restore Ohio’s education system and profession.  Finally, I ask you to please spread the word to your friends and family.  If all of us work together, we can create a better education system for Ohio’s children.


My thoughts on HB 176 and teacher evaluations:

My thoughts on why Massachusetts standards are a good example curriculum:

Link to the analysis of HB 176:

How to identify and contact your state representative:

Link to the full HB 176

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