Why do we farm? Why do we work hard? Why do we loose sleep over animals who reside on our farm? Why do we put in the extra hours?
These are complicated questions, and consumers want to know. It is like asking a teach (of which I am one) why do you like to teach? I certainly wouldn't say its for the money. Its more of an internal reason, a drive to better the world in which we live. And that is how it is with farming. There is so much I would like to tell people about what I do. What satisfaction I get from working hard, from spending time with the animals on my farm, from having the entire family fall asleep before we hit our pillows.. because we have put our all into what we do. The time has come for us to tell these little parts of our lives to those who want to hear. The world is asking.. who is telling our story?
The Ohio Farm bureau federation has begun its annual video contest, and I would like to encourage all of you to think about participating. Its a great chance to make a short video, and possibly even earn money from it. Jim and I made a video and you can view it here. Its a quick story about why we do what we do. How we tell the story of agriculture wherever we go. I have two things I like to ask people.. do you know Jesus? Have you ever met a farmer? Hopefully I can't point them in the direction for "true" answers for both of those!
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